Data-based foundation for future heat planning
Municipal utilities must ensure a climate-neutral heat supply for their supply area in the long term. However, a reliable, affordable and increasingly renewable heat supply is only possible if municipalities are able to tap the local potential in the best possible way. One challenge is to consider complex data holistically and to prepare it in a meaningful way. At the moment, manual work predominates. The lack of individual building parameters and a holistic view also complicates the creation of a heat plan.
KOM|DIA, BS|ENERGY, Thüga and Geospin have jointly created a data-based foundation for the heat planning of the future. To increase the transparency of the supply area, Geospin has displayed data from the BS|ENERGY group on the interactive map of its Location Intelligence Portal. In this way, the heat connection capacities can be displayed at the building and street level. Another focus was on calculating and adding financial key figures for an automated profitability analysis of possible district heating expansion quarters. This information is to be used as a decision-making basis for strategic district heating network expansion. Previously manual tasks were thus automated by the use of software. It also makes tedious data acquisition and integration and complex GIS systems a thing of the past.

In a pilot project, consumption data were combined with building data. In this way, the local conditions in the eastern ring area of Braunschweig could be analyzed in detail.

The users can view the jointly defined information, such as the heat demand in kWh per year, at the level of individual buildings on an interactive map.

Information can also be viewed at street level. For example, the connected load in kW and the number of buildings connected to the district heating network can be seen for each street.
Customer testimonials
»The visualization of district heating data combined with additional geographical information helps us to identify suitable districts for future district heating expansion.«

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